I have been very fortunate in my library career in the people I have worked for. Jody, Mary and Mary-Rose have been great inspirations to me, and have all contributed in some material way to my career. Jody encouraged me to tackle the MLIS. Mary helped me by being a wonderful sounding board and editor extrodinaire for many assignments throughout the process. She was really encouraging when I told her about the Subject Librarian job at the Davis, at the same time as telling me how much she valued my experience and expertise. Mary-Rose has passed on so much about find legal resources. She also encouraged me to start a law degree. I haven't seen Jody for a while now, but I keep in touch regularly with both Mary and Mary-Rose. Mary-Rose has become a law lecturer with the competition, so I am currently looking for someone who can step in as a mentor in a more formal way.
I would also like to become a mentor, but feel I don't have quite the experience I need for that just yet. I take a keen interest in the studies that the Library Assistants at the Davis are participating in, and help wherever I can. I love learning, and I love helping other people to learn.
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