Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Thing 10

I started my library career in a high school library in South Auckland (a lower socio-economic area, for those outside of Auckland). Before that, I was juggling five part-time jobs with motherhood. Once my youngest started school, it was easier to be in one place all day. I have considered teaching on many occasions, and this provided a good opportunity to see both teaching and librarianship side-by-side. I really loved working in the library and decided that it would suit me better than teaching - besides, books don't answer back! That being the case, I found another library job that paid better, with fewer hours, which gave me the chance to study towards a Masters in Library and Information Studies (MLIS), as I already had a conjoint degree (BCom/BA). I worked as Senior Library Assistant (I still wonder who I was senior to, as there were only two staff, and I was at the bottom of that ladder) at the Homai Special Formats Library for three years.

Timing is everything, and my manager was promoted just as I finished the research project, which was the last component of my MLIS. I applied for her job, and got it. I thoroughly enjoyed my time there. Being a small library, I really was involved in every aspect, from strategic management to day to day operations. I was not looking for another job, but saw the position of Subject Librarian, Law come up at the University of Auckland, Davis Law Library. This was my dream job and I decided to throw my hat in the ring.

Three years later, I am still a Law Subject Librarian and love it. One of the best parts about my job, is that there is a large teaching component, so I feel I have come full-circle. I am also studying part-time towards the LLB degree - so I am a staff member, current student and alumni of the University of Auckland, as this is where I completed my undergraduate work.

I became a registered member of LIANZA about a year after registration was introduced in New Zealand. Having to fill in a revalidation journal makes me think about my career and ensures that I am always developing. My three years is up in April next year. This is one of the reasons I signed up for cpd23, and I am glad that I have. It is providing opportunities to try tools that I might not otherwise make time for. I also think it is great that I am getting the opportunity for some of that self-reflection that is a vital part of the revalidation journal.


  1. hi- just wondering about the format of your "revalidation journal"-is it set out in a certain way? Is it more like a diary etc? Do you just fill it in when you have learnt something? I'm interested in how people keep on top of this sort of thing (i'm right at the beginning of trying to log things!) Be great to hear your thoughts? (sorry if you have already written about it somewhere already!) thanks

  2. Hi Becky,LIANZA provide a template for the revalidation journal. It is available, along with all the information necessary to comply with professional registration revalidation, http://www.lianza.org.nz/resources/professional-registration
