Monday, 11 July 2011

Thing 4

I have been procrastinating over Thing 4. Like most things I procrastinate about, it wasn't so bad once I gave myself a push and got onto it. I first opened a Twitter account nearly 3 years ago while on a social media networking class. My first and only tweet was made at that time. I hope that I will be able to use Twitter more effectiely from now on. I signed up to follow a few likely looking candidates, mostly other academic or law librians. I am following theREALwikiman, as it looks as though he could be quite educatational and entertaining. I need to find some NZers to follow, I think, if this is going to become really useful.

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Thing 3

I have Googled my own name as per Thing 3. There are five pages of results. Brebner is not a very common name, so most of the results actually relate to me. There is another Melanie Brebner in the US. My Facebook profile is at the top of the list. (I need to update that photo! I also need to organise a photo for this blog.) Most of the results refer to various conference presentations I have been involved with. There is also a link to the results of one of my earliest half-marathon attempts. There isn't anything there that I wouldn't want people from my professional circles knowing about. No surprises there - I lead a fairly quiet life!

As far as branding goes, organising a photo is a task that should take precedence. However, with two law assignments due before the end of the month, it might be later rather than sooner. I chose blue, because that is my favourite colour and I didn't feel that any of the other options were a reflection of me. I should explain "Four Foot Twelve". That's my height and also what my husband calls me. I call him, "Six Foot Two". I don't mind people knowing I'm short - they work it out pretty quickly once they meet me, anyway. I don't have a nick-name at work, except that most people call me Mel - despite the fact that I always introduce myself and sign my name as Melanie. It doesn't worry me; I like that people find me approachable enough to shorten my name without asking. I did wonder about listing my favourite book as the Bible in a professional blog. However, I made a commitment to myself (and God) last year, that I would not hide my Christianity, so decided to put my money where my mouth is. This year, I also made the commitment to read my way through the Bible in a year. I get up 20 minutes earlier every morning to do this - 5.20am. My night owl tendencies are finding it hard-going!